The D2I Engagement Levels Matrix provides guidance to UT staff in support of enhancing existing competencies and developing new skills for working with trusted information reports, dashboards, and the UT Data Hub.
Determine the engagement level most relevant to you to:
- learn how your CSU might engage with data, information, analytics, and the UT Data Hub
- identify what skills and and technology might be relevant to the needs of your CSU
- consider what types of positions might be benficial to have on staff
- connect to recommended on-demand general and UT specific training opportunities
View each level below or download the PDF here.
Campus Engagement Levels
Level 1: Information Consumer
For those who need to... locate, access, interact with, and consume local CSU and/or campus reports, visualizations, and dashboards.
Level 2: Business Intelligence Development
For those who need to... access campus data and build and develop reports, visualizations, and dashboards using local CSU data and/or published campus data sources available in the UT Data Hub.
Level 3: Data Development
For those who need to... combine local CSU data with campus data and develop data structures by combining pertinent datasets within the data spoke environments.
Level 4: Data Integrations Development
For those who need to... build data pipelines that provide for local CSU data to be moved to/stored in/connected to the UT Data Hub.
Staff are encouraged to review the recommended skills for their level or role and begin to explore the existing training opportunities currently offered to the campus community. There are many existing sources for education and training including:
- UTLearn
- LinkedIn Learning (access via UTLearn)
- EEV: Center for Professional Education
- AWS Skill Builder