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Announcements and Updates

D2I Launches Alation: 07.10.2024

Data to Insights (D2I) is excited to announce the campus-wide availability of Alation, the new online data catalog and metadata management tool available to all faculty and staff.  

Alation provides a central location for campus to manage metadata and ensures that users of D2I analytics dashboards and data spokes have access to supporting context, definitions, and other information to make those resources as clear and useful as possible. 

Access Alation  
Visit the UT Austin Alation instance. You will be redirected to a single sign on (SSO) login page where you will use your UT Austin EID and password to access the site. 

Learn More! 

  • Information, FAQs, and important links can be found on the D2I website

  • Discover details about upcoming demos, office hours, and trainings on the home page of the UT Austin Alation instance. 

  • Learn more by viewing a D2I orientation video available in the D2I Training Library. 

Still have questions? Reach out to D2I’s Alation Team via e-mail at Alation-Help@austin.utexas.edu. 

D2I Launches New Faculty Analytics: 05.07.2024

Data to Insights (D2I) is excited to announce the release of the Faculty Teaching Activity and Faculty Salaries dashboards and updates to existing resources as part of UT’s growing Trusted Information Infrastructure.

Visit insights.utexas.edu, sign in using UT SSO (ensure you have a VPN connection), and use the search bar to discover all available D2I resources. 


Faculty Teaching Activity
The Faculty Teaching Activity dashboard combines funded course metrics (semester credit hours, seats taken, number of sections) with faculty metrics (headcount, FTE) to display historical trends of teaching activity within the 9-month session or by fall or spring semester alone. Teaching activity metrics are presented for FY2016-17 through the current fiscal year by college/school, department/unit, tenure status, rank, and title series.

Audience and Access: Available to active UT Austin faculty and staff.

Faculty Salaries
The Faculty Salaries dashboard presents 9-month base rate salary and academic supplements for primary faculty appointments within the 9-month session from September 1 to May 31. Information is available for FY2023-24 for tenured/tenure-track faculty or professional-track faculty with 9-month FTE >= 0.5, with the ability to filter by college/school, department/unit, tenure, rank, and title series.

Audience and Access: Limited Access; This dashboard contains sensitive HR information and is intended for internal use by the Provost's Office, deans, and department chairs only.


Faculty Headcount and FTE
Dashboard updated to allow for parsing headcounts and FTE by fall or spring semester alone, in addition to 9-month trends. Data will be refreshed in June 2024 to include the most recent AY2023-24 9-month data.

Audience and Access: Available to active UT Austin faculty and staff.

New Campus Analytics Released: 08.22.2023

Data to Insights is excited to announce the release of a suite of Semester Credit Hours (SCH) dashboards as part of UT’s growing Trusted Information Infrastructure.

These dashboards include new drilldown features that allow users to view SCH by Funding College/School and Offering College/School and are built upon integrated, reusable, and scalable data architecture within the cloud-based UT Data Hub. They are available to all current faculty and staff. 

You can find these and other D2I analytics dashboards within the campus Insights Service where you are able to discover and access resources after logging in with your UT EID and password (UT VPN required if off campus).

Semester Credit Hours—Funding
Semester Credit Hours—Offering

We encourage all faculty and staff to explore these new resources and discover new insights! 

Release of Financial Dashboards: 10.16.2023

Data to Insights (D2I) is excited to share the wide release of our newest deliverable: CSU Alignment v1.0, a suite of financial dashboards covering:

  • Sources and Uses
  • Net Income
  • Faculty Account Balance
  • Faculty/PI Financial Transactions
  • Detailed Financial Transactions

Why It Matters: These dashboards were built with data sources from our new, enhanced Financial Data Model with robust partnership with business officers across campus. They combine the model with a cloud-based application and DEFINE in ways not previously possible in order to improve managerial accounting at UT Austin.

Who Has Access: The current CSU Alignment v1.0 dashboards are available to executives, university academic business officers, and authorized viewers within the CSUs who agreed to participate in this project with the new configuration (CNS, COLA, McCombs, LBJ, Information). These specific academic CSUs are the only ones whose data is currently available within these new financial alignment analytics dashboards.

Questions about this project or how to get involved should be directed to insights@utexas.edu.

Updated Analytics and Census Refreshes: 10.18.2023

Data to Insights (D2I) is delighted to share exciting updates to our institution’s trusted information infrastructure, in support of data-informed decisions here at UT Austin.

Optimizing Faculty Strategies: Faculty Headcount and FTE

This new deliverable provides university, college/school, and department leadership with a powerful tool for analyzing historical faculty headcount and FTE trends. This dashboard is widely available to all current faculty and staff and provides a foundation for understanding faculty trends across various nuances and dimensions. This initiative underscores our commitment to unearthing data definitions and building shared and contextualized information. Access this deliverable via Insights here.

Empowering Timely Decision-Making: Fall 2023 Census Refreshes

As of October 2023, D2I has implemented Fall 2023 Census refreshes to a suite of widely available dashboards on student enrollment, semester credit hours, and degrees, minors, and certificates awarded. These updates provide timely and accurate information for critical decision areas in the new academic year. Search for the latest deliverables at Insights.

If you missed our recent InfoShare focused on Advancing Campus Analytics, including a demo of the new Faculty Headcount and FTE dashboard, you can find the recording within our D2I InfoShare Library.