D2I Analytics: Tools for Decision Support

D2I develops analytical tools such as dashboards, statistical analysis, and reports with the aim of increasing data-informed decision making and supporting UT’s strategic goals. D2I’s initial analytical work has been prioritized by university leadership in the form of charter projects, intended to translate available institutional data into insights that can be leveraged by CSUs and campus partners.

What Does D2I Analytics Do?

Charter Projects

Charter projects are longer-term strategic initiatives identified as core opportunity areas that will have broad campus impact. These projects are prioritized by university leadership in accordance with university goals which are then outlined and executed by D2I based on available resources and external deadlines. You can review the status of these projects in the table below.

Specialty and Emergent Projects

Decision-support work (including support for the Executive Vice President and Provost portfolio) contingent upon resource availability and strategic priorities. Additional projects are identified and prioritized to answer common questions that benefit the greatest number of CSUs and campus partners. 

Campus Consultation and Support

Assistance in defining strategic business questions, locating campus data and/or information, and identifying data stewards. D2I does not approve access to data sources or Insights resources we do not own.

Completed Projects

The dashboards below are periodically reviewed and with campus feedback applied to updates as appropriate. Faculty and staff can discover the dashboards listed below in Insights!

Charter ProjectsScopeStatus
Degrees AwardedDisplays degrees awarded by college/school, department, major, and degree level for the past ten academic years.Launched: September 2022
Historical Student HeadcountDisplays student enrollment by college/school, department, major, classification, eligibility for state funding, and Option III for the past five years.Launched: September 2022
Semester Credit Hours1.0: Displays semester credit hours total, percent of total, and average by offering college/school, department, and course as of census date for the current and past five academic years.
2.1: SCH Budget Model; Available at the Dean's level only.
3.0: Includes improvements for analyzing data across years, comparison across course divisions, and drilling down to view by funding or offering college/school.
1.0 Launched: December 2022
2.1 Launched: April 2023
3.0 Launched: August 2023
Dual and Combined MajorsDisplays counts of undergraduate students enrolled in two majors within the same college/school or across different colleges/schools for the past five years.Launched: January 2023
Minors and Certificates AwardedDisplays minors and certificates awarded by college/school, department, and program from AY2016-17 to the current term.Launched: Spring 2023
Faculty Headcount and FTEDisplays headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) trends based on faculty appointments within the 9-month session from 9/1 to 5/31 for FY2016-17 through FY2022-23.Launched: Fall 2023
3.0 Launched: April 2024
Course Evaluation Faculty ReportDisplays faculty course evaluation trends and downloads (i.e., course rating, instructor rating, response rate) at the faculty-ccyys-unique level. Source data are combined from both the legacy Course Instructor Survey (CIS) system and the new Course Evaluation System (CES).Launched: Spring 2024
Faculty Teaching ActivityDisplays combined funded course metrics (semester credit hours, seats taken, number of sections) with faculty metrics (headcount, FTE) to display historical trends of teaching activity within the 9-month session or by fall or spring semester alone. Launched: Spring 2024
Faculty SalariesPresents 9-month base rate salary and academic supplements for primary faculty appointments within the 9-month session from September 1 to May 31 with the ability to filter by college/school, department/unit, tenure, rank, and title series.Launched: Spring 2024



What types of projects and data analysis does the D2I Analytics team focus on?

D2I Analytics supports data and analytics projects that advance data-informed decision-making in support of university priorities. To do so we collaborate with other data partners across campus such as AIS, eBITS, IRRIS, and others.

How can the D2I Analytics team support my CSU?

We welcome questions and requests in support of campus efforts to increase data-driven decision-making. However, depending on capacity, available resources, and the specifics of your request, we may not be able to take on a project. We may also refer requests to more appropriate campus partners. In such cases we will do our best to help you and your CSU find an alternative path to achieving your goals.

What types of data and/or information can I request from D2I?

D2I Analytics has existing expertise in academic domains, such as student, course, and faculty data. The specific parameters of what we can accomplish will depend on data access permissions (e.g., Enterprise Data Governance), the university’s strategic goals, and D2I Analytics bandwidth. All requests must fall within FERPA, university, and D2I guidelines.

How long will it take for me to receive a response to my request?

D2I Analytics will prioritize requests that align with the university’s strategic goals. Request fulfillment timelines will depend on numerous factors including the complexity of the data needed and the nature of the finished product. While we will do our best to provide an achievable time estimate as quickly as possible following your request submission, we generally require a minimum of two weeks to fulfill most requests with some instances requiring longer. 

How do I obtain access to the online Insights service?

If you have an EID - you have access to the Insights Service. Simply visit the website and log in using the UT SSO portal. Once logged in you will see featured and suggested dashboards that are available to you. Additional information about Insights can be found here.

How do I obtain access to a specific dashboard or resource for myself or another person?

You will first need to get approval from the data steward responsible for the resource (this will not be a Data to Insights representative). Usually this will be an individual or CSU representative who directed you to access the resource. Once you have been approved by the data steward, they can request access for you by e-mailing insights@utexas.edu.

I know I have approval to access a specific dashboard but I can't open it - why?

There could be several reasons you are having trouble opening a specific resource.

  • Confirm that you are accessing the resource from campus internet or via the UT VPN connection.
  • Always access your D2I resources via the Insights Service as updated versions might have updated access links.
  • The resource you are attempting to access may have been retired and removed from the Insights Service. Contact us at insights@utexas.edu to discuss whether this is the case.